This page last changed on Jul 24, 2007 by cholmes.

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Reporting issues is one of the most valuable ways to contribute to the GeoServer Project. If we don't know what bugs you have, there is no way we can fix them. It's also important for us to know what new features are most valuable to you.

Send problem to the mailing list

If you have an error, the first step is to confirm that your bug is actually a bug. To do this, send a detailed description of: the problem, your operating environment (OS/Java version/servelet container), and how to replicate the problem, to the mailing list: geoserver-users `at` If you have a new idea, or some improvement you'd like to see in GeoServer, send it to the list as well, so others can discuss if they'd like to see it.

About JIRA

The central task tool of GeoServer is our JIRA tracker. We recommend putting all feature requests and bug reports directly to it. Once an issue is created an email is sent to the devel list, where we can take action on it.

Signing up for a JIRA account.

To use the tracker you will have to create an account and log in. We promise this is the hardest part of figuring out the task tracker. And it does have a purpose, as after you have an account JIRA will notify you whenever any modifications have been made to the issue you reported. To create an account just go here. Then be sure you are logged in and go to the GeoServer JIRA page. After you are logged in there should be a links at the top to 'create new issue'. You also will have many more options when viewing issues, like 'watch', to get email notifications on updates toother issues, or 'comment'.

Reporting a feature request or task

Jira is the place where we track new ideas and features that our users want. Putting an issue there ensures that we remember it, and come back to it in the future. It's easy to forget good ideas that show up on email lists, JIRA prevents that from happening. Note you can also 'vote' on issues, and these votes definitely affect the order that we tackle things. You do have a voice, you just need to exercise it. And of course if you are to actually implement the new issue, then it will be incorporated to the code base much sooner. Just attach the new code as a patch.

Reporting your bug.

If possible you should try to see if your bug has been reported, by searching, but you need not spend a ton of time doing that, as the developers can easily recognize duplicates and mark them as such. To help us fix the bug as quickly as possible (and so we don't have to email you a ton of questions), please include as much information as possible about the bug. After you select the type of issue (most likely bug, but please feel free to report 'wishes' or 'new features' that you would like to see in GeoServer), then you will be lead to a page of several fields. Please try to fill out as many as possible. The version of GeoServer you are using is essential. For the fix version you can put the next logical version of GeoServer, if developers need to reschedule it they will. Please put as much information in the environment field as you can. If your GeoServer version is a binary, source, or war install. If it is a war install then put the servlet container type and version. Include your version of Java (found by typing "java -version" at the command line), your operating system and its version, and the backend datastore you are using (oracle, postgis, ect.) as well as its version. Then describe the issue in as much depth as possible.

Configuring GeoServer for bug reports

If the error is in a request made to GeoServer (as opposed to in the web admin tool), then we ask that you change the Verbose Exceptions property to true. Log into the admin tool andgo to Config -> Server, and you should see a checkbox. Make sure that it is checked, and you can also use this opportunity to adjust the logging level. A FINE or FINER is generally appropriate for a bug report. After adjusting the server configuration be sure to hit submit and then apply. Then try the error again, and you should see a lot more information from GeoServer. Copy down this response, and include both the request and the response. This large error, which should have a bunch of java line numbers, is probably the most important part of a good bug report. If the error is in the web admin tool then try to replicate the error, and write down the exact path that lead you to the error. The other very helpful piece of information is the logs fromGeoServer. In the binary installation these go to the console, in the war installation it depends on the servlet container (tomcat puts it in $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out).

More information

Before reporting the bug please check the relevant specifications to make sure that you are making the correct request, though if you include it we should be able to quickly tell if the request is right. Remember to include namespace declarations in your request, as GeoServer will not function correctly unless they are there. If it is an error with configuration then the service.xml and catalog.xml files may be useful(found in webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/ or in the data_dir), as well as the info.xml file (and schema.xml if there is one) for the featureType that is messing up (found in webapps/geoserver/data/featureTypes/(featureType name)/. If the backend data format is messing up then try to include the data, either the shapefile or perhaps a dump of the database. Note that you can attach files directly to an issue, which we highly recommend for larger files. When you submit a bug it will be sent to the devel list, and developers will respond appropriately. JIRA will notify you of progress and when it is resolved. When it is sent to the devel list other interested partiescan also subscribe to get notifications of the bug by hitting the "watch" button.

Submitting a Patch

Many developers won't want to go through all the steps of emailing the list and asking advice, instead they'll just dig straight into the source code and figure out what's going on. If you've solved a problem in the code, and you don't yet have commit rights, we ask that you submit a 'patch' of the code. A patch is just a snippet of the relevant code, that can be automatically applied by a committer after review. If you need help to make the patch, see Creating a Patch. After creating a patch, attach it to the relevant bug in the JIRA task tracker. If there is no issue for the patch, then please create a new one. After submitting several good patches, contributors will often be offered commit rights, so that they can directly commit to the source tree.

couldnt send problem to mailing list

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. The following addresses failed:

  <[email protected]>

SMTP error from remote server after RCPT command:
550-Postmaster verification failed while checking <[email protected]>
550-Sent:     RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
550-Response: 550 <[email protected]>: invalid address
550-Several RFCs state that you are required to have a postmaster
550-mailbox for each mail domain. This host does not accept mail
550-from domains whose servers reject the postmaster address.
550 Sender verify failed

actual problem wasHi, I seem to have the same problem as the guy below with both the stable and latest releases of the war. Any help appreciated;Cheers,&nbsp;Mark

Posted by at Apr 11, 2006 05:12
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:26